For all of you who have been on this website before, I just added a page where I’m listing other websites full of tasty fructose-free recipes. The recipes are mostly from people who are having fructose malabsorption or having relatives with this impairment in their family.
Check it out under
Cooking delicious food that even suits people with fructose malabsorption doesn’t have to be difficult.
Soon, I will also add a form, where you can insert your own fructose-free recipes and share them with the rest of the world.
In the meanwhile, leave a comment on the new page. We all would be very grateful.
Wow if that’s true you did alot of work and the advertising residuals from links would help pay you for your efforts. The owner of the “pill” patent in Germany has had the patent revoked a couple times but must be licensing to the other companies you listed unless the health claims cited by your list does not infringe on his patent because they are claiming “fructose malabsorption” rather than “hereditary fructose concerns”. Why not list the fact that anyone can just buy a pound of glucose isomerase for very little money rather than pay for shipping and pill form?… Read more »